视觉方案设计工程师 Visual Solution Engineer (太仓) - Special Machinery


Taicang, CN, 215400

职位需求ID:  26383


Schaeffler 是一家充满活力的全球性科技公司,其成功得益于企业家精神和悠久的家族企业历史。您觉得是否吸引到您?作为所有主要汽车制造商以及航空航天和工业领域重要企业的合作伙伴,我们可为您提供许多发展机会。  



  • 负责与客户沟通需求,进行视觉打光测试,设计视觉方案,给出视觉零部件明细。
  • Responsible for communicating customer needs, conducting visual lighting tests, designing visual solutions, and visual component details.
  • 了解视觉行业发展,在公司内部推广新的视觉部件与检测方式。
  • Understand the development of the visual industry and promote new visual components and testing methods within the company.
  • 负责实验室部件的日常管理。
  • Responsible for the daily management of laboratory components.
  • 在没有测试任务时参与设备的视觉调试。
  • Participate in visual debugging of equipment without testing tasks.


  • 本科以上,3年以上视觉打光方案设计工作经验,对于光源、镜头和相机的选型有深入的了解。
  • Bachelor's degree or above, with at least 3 years of experience in visual lighting scheme design, with a deep understanding of the selection of light sources, lenses, and cameras
  • 熟悉康耐视VersionPro和Insight智能相机以及基恩士智能相机,能够调试这些品牌的相机。
  • Familiar with Cognex VersionPro, Insight smart cameras, and Keyence smart cameras, able to debug cameras from these brands.
  • 了解行业内3D相机的测试选型。
  • Familiar with the testing and selection of 3D cameras in the industry.
  • 具有优秀的沟通和团队协作能力,善于跨部门、区域合作,推进项目落地,具有良好的项目管理和执行能力,对开发流程、标准熟悉,对技术方案、测试方案有把控力。
  • Excellent communication and teamwork skills, good at cross-departmental and regional cooperation, promote project implementation, have good project management and execution skills, be familiar with development processes and standards, and have control over technical solutions and test plans.
  • 做事认真细致,追求用户体验,独立工作能力强,有出色的问题拆解和解决能力。
  • Work conscientiously and meticulously, pursue user experience, have strong ability to work independently, and have excellent ability to disassemble and solve problems.
  • 高度的责任心,吃苦耐劳,具有客户服务精神和团队精神。
  • High sense of responsibility, hard-working, customer service spirit and team spirit.
  • 英语四级以上,可以熟练听书读写。
  • CET-4 or above, proficient in listening, speaking, reading and writing.







Schaeffler Smart Machinery SMC 

Li Pei 




关键字:strongertogether; 经验丰富; 工程师; 全职; 固定期限; 生产工程;