Engineering Methods & Tool Development Engineer


Brasov, RO, 507075

ID Cerere de personal:  31254


Schaeffler este o companie multinationala, dinamica, ce pune accent pe tehnologie, succesul sau fiind rezultatul spiritului antreprenorial si al traditiei indelungate de proprietate privata a capitalului societatii. Va suna interesant? Ca partener al tuturor marilor producatori de automobile, precum si ca jucator cheie in sectoarele aerospatial si industrial, Schaeffler va ofera numeroase oportunitati de dezvoltare. 


Responsabilitatile dumneavoastra cheie

  • Clarify requirements with our customers to ensure a precise understanding of their needs and expectations;
  • Develop and implement mechanical engineering methods for CAE applications;
  • Design and develop user-friendly GUIs for both desktop and web applications;
  • Ensure the quality of applications through comprehensive testing and improvement processes;
  • Create and maintain thorough documentation for all applications and methods developed;
  • Participate in project management tasks to facilitate timely completion of objectives and milestones;
  • Ensure compliance with requirements and meet project milestones on time;
  • Contribute to strategic discussions regarding the future direction of our applications;
  • Transfer knowledge to users and other stakeholders while actively participating in these knowledge-sharing tasks.

Calificarile dumneavoastra

Core Requierments:

  • C++ Expertise: Over 5 years of professional experience in C++ development.
  • Class Design Proficiency: Strong understanding of object-oriented design principles and design patterns.
  • Basic Architectural Knowledge: Familiar with software architecture principles through foundational training.
  • Legacy Systems Appreciation: Awareness of legacy technologies and applications, and the motivation to improve or replace them step by step
  • English Proficiency: Strong command of the English language for effective communication.


  • Build Systems Knowledge: Experience in compiler linking and build automation processes.
  • Package Management Skills: Proficient in using package management tools, notably Conan, to streamline dependencies.
  • Large-Scale Project Experience: Contributed to substantial projects, handling over 100,000 lines of code effectively.
  • C# Familiarity: Basic knowledge of C# programming language.
  • Scripting Proficiency: Entry-level experience with scripting languages such as Perl and Python.
  • Agile Methodologies: Experience in Agile practices, particularly with Kanban for project management.


Fiind o companie globală, cu angajați în întreaga lume, pentru noi este important să ne respectăm reciproc, să prețuim toate ideile și perspectivele. Apreciind diferențele dintre noi, inspirăm creativitatea și stimulăm inovația. În acest fel, generăm valoare sustenabilă pentru toate părțile interesate și pentru societate în ansamblul ei. Împreună, stabilim direcția în care se mișcă lumea.


Construim viitorul bazandu-ne pe inovatie, asteptandu-va cu proiecte atractive si oportunitati de dezvoltare remarcabile. Asteptam cu interes aplicatia dumneavoastra!


Datele dvs. de contact

Schaeffler Romania S.R.L. 

Ioana - Daniela Blendea 




Cuvinte cheie: Experimentat; Inginer; Norma intreaga; Perioada nedeterminata; Cercetare & Dezvoltare;