Operator elaborare-turnare
Brasov, RO, 507075
Schaeffler is a dynamic global technology company and its success has been a result of its entrepreneurial spirit and long history of private ownership. Does that sound interesting to you? As a partner to all of the major automobile manufacturers, as well as key players in the aerospace and industrial sectors, we offer you many development opportunities.
Your Key Responsibilities
- Pregateste componentele sarjei, precum si materialele auxiliare (degazanti, dezoxidanti, compusi de zgurifiere, vopsele refractare, grafit).
- Respecta si urmareste realizarea parametrilor de topire ai cuptoarelor, precum si parametri de centrifugare ai inelelor turnate.
- Informeaza seful de echipa referitor la deficientele si neregulile pe care le constata.
- Respecta Instructiunile de lucru, de siguranta, de Protectia Muncii, precum si Normele P.S.I. si cele pentru Situatii de Urgenta.
- Controleaza la inceputul operatiei aparatele de masura si felul in care sunt reglate.
- Preleveaza probele, le prelucreaza si efectueaza analiza spectrala.
- Face corectiile necesare impuse de analiza spectrala.
- Respecta temperaturile de degazare, de supraincalzire in vederea transvazarii aliajului in oala de turnare.
Your Qualifications
- Scoala profesionala/studii medii;
- Experienta in domeniul turnatoriei (de preferat in alama si pe masini cu turnare centrifugala).
As a global company with employees around the world, it is important to us that we treat each other with respect and value all ideas and perspectives. By appreciating our differences, we inspire creativity and drive innovation. In this way, we contribute to sustainable value creation for our stakeholders and society as a whole. Together, we advance how the world moves.
Exciting assignments and outstanding development opportunities await you because we impact the future with innovation. We look forward to your online application.
Information on our understanding of leadership can be found here: www.schaeffler.com/leadership.
Your Contact
Schaeffler Romania S.R.L.
Aura-Ioana Coman
Keywords: Experienced; Technician; Full-Time; Unlimited; Production;
Job Segment:
Equipment Operator, Manufacturing